Have the faith to take action, knowing that all perceived obstacles are only opportunities..

"Obstacles will look large or small to you according to whether you are large or small. " ~ Orison Swett Marden

Identify and confront your fears. Take action and move forward.
When you have absolute faith in your Creator and know that you have been created as an image of God, fear cannot exist.
Become aware of the deepest convictions burning deeply in your heart. Take appropriate action to manifest these dreams into reality. These necessary actions are needed for the birth of your dreams.
As you act powerfully, you will feel a constant flame of strength burning inside you. With each act of courage, the flame will grow brighter.
Refuse to stand still or let anything stop you from taking the next step on your path.
Leap and the net will appear — Just take the next step... NOW!

What am I afraid of?
What changes do I need to make in order to feel balanced?
What fears do I have around making changes?
What time in my life did I act braver than I ever dreamed I could?... What motivated to take action?... What did I gain from this?
How would my life look if I had the courage to make all necessary changes to live my dream?

I walk this journey with faith, strength and courage because I know that I am Spirit.