John Cali’s Spirit Oracle Cards

Available on iPhone / iPad and Android / Amazon devices.


Key features:
– A complete deck of 48 cards*, beautifully illustrated, and covering many topics
– Explore 3 types of readings: 1 card, 2 cards (relationship) or 3 cards (mind / body / soul)
– You can now save your readings to a journal for further reference
– You can now send your readings via email to your friends or yourself
*the full deck is available in the unlocked version

Over the years the non-physical group known simply as “Spirit” have offered their wisdom and guidance for living a life filled with love and joy. Channelled by John Cali, Spirit often reminds us we are powerful creators, divine beings in human form. We have the power and wisdom to make a positive difference in our world, in the lives of others, and in our own lives.

That’s why we published the Spirit Oracle Cards application. You may use these cards as often and for whatever reasons you wish. As you know, there are no “coincidences” or “accidents.” The card you draw will be perfect for you. Trust the universe to deliver to you the exact message you need to hear at that moment.

Think of this as you would a regular card game, except this is the card game of life. Games are supposed to be fun. Life is supposed to be fun. So approach these cards playfully with the clear intent to more deeply know and love yourself and your life.

These cards will serve to remind you who you really are — God in human form, with all the power that goes with being divine.

Download the app now by clicking one logo below, or get free readings by trying our online demo versions on Facebook!

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User reviews:

Brilliant Product That Connects Us To Spirit In a More Tangible Way! ★★★★★

The messages are BEAUTIFULLY written. They’re truly oracles. The art work is also very impressive. It’s stunning the cards really answer a question I have in mind every time I withdraw one of them. Every time this happens my heart beats faster in total amazement. I even feel scared by its accuracy. If people can read these cards anytime they want as long as they have a smartphone or a similar device, so many people will be able to use them as guidance whenever they feel they need a tangible message from Spirit/All That Is. This will be embedded in people’s lives as a regular habit. It’s also good we don’t need to carry a whole bunch of 44 cards in our bags. This product is so up to date riding on the wave of the latest technology! The price is also very reasonable. Anyone who wishes to buy it can do so. My deepest appreciation for this new “invention!” Brilliant product that enables us to be connected with Spirit all the time!

Great Set. ★★★★★

So far each reading has hit the spot and been very empowering. Perfect way to begin the day, get a timely reminder or positive direction during a tough moment. Thank you Spirit. 🙂

Insightful! ★★★★★

Great app, full of gems of wisdom, easy to use. I liked the option to select a reading and it’s a nice touch to be able to flip the card to read the meaning. Lovely photos and the words are very deep, full of sentiments and ideas that make you think, I have found this a useful oracle for guidance and use it regularly. Definitely recommend!!!!
